Comparing Apples and Grapes; Not the Same for Trademarks

In most all cases that come before the United States Patent and Trademark Office Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (Board) involving relatedness of wine and other beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic alike, the Board almost always finds the goods to be related for purposes of its likelihood of confusion analysis.  A likelihood of confusion analysis involves […]

International Wine Law Educational Session Friday in Santa Cruz

This Friday. November 22, 2013, the International Wine Law Association and Continuing Education of the Bar California (CEB) will be sponsoring an educational session for wine industry professionals and attorneys on legal topics related to the international and domestic wine trade.  The conference will take place at Hotel Paradox in Santa Cruz, California.  There will […]

Legal Highlights from CalPoly’s New Wine & Viticulture Program

Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty attorneys Carol Kingery Ritter and Katja Loeffelholz were recently guest lecturers at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s new Wine and Viticulture program. The class was led by Professor William H. Amspacher who is promoting the interdisciplinary major of Wine and Viticulture. All students in the interdisciplinary major are educated about all […]