By Tom Adams and Mark Phillips The Napa County Public Works Department is in the process of preparing amendments to the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance as it relates to lot line adjustments and certificates of compliance. The changes originally proposed by staff were minor and did not warrant comments. However, during the “stakeholder” review of […]
Napa County’s agricultural water users rely on both groundwater and surface water flow to provide frost protection and irrigation. Similar to other areas of the state, it is anticipated that Napa vineyard owners will rely on groundwater resources to make up any shortfalls in surface water availability. Many vintners rely on the surface flows from […]
California River Watch, Coast Action Group, and Forest Unlimited have issued the attached letter to North Coast vineyard owners and operators that divert water for agricultural purposes in the North Coast. The letter warns that water diversions for frost protection could result in the “take” of threatened and endangered salmonids in north coast streams, not […]
Each year Napa County sends out notices to 20 wineries that they have been selected to be subject to the annual winery audit for compliance with their individual use permits. The County sent out its most recent notice on January 17, 2014 asking for information about annual production, visitation and custom crush activities. The letter requests that […]