
09.08.2014 – UC Davis Wine & Spirits Law Academy (Davis, CA)

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DP&F attorneys Scott Gerien, Jim Terry, and John Trinidad will be panelists at the Wine and Spirits Law Academy.  The conference, co-sponsored by UC-Davis and the Wine & Law Program from the Université de Reims (Champagne, France), brings together an international group of practitioners and academics to discuss some of the key legal and regulatory issues facing the wine and spirits industries.  Of particular note:  Judge Ken Starr, who was part of the legal team that argued the landmark case of Granholm v. Heald, will address conference participants on September 9.

Mr. Gerien will discuss comparative aspects of trademark law with panelists from France and Australia.  Mr. Terry will be on a panel with the founding CEO of Lot 18, Phillip James, on “Global Issues Facing Wine Entrepreneurs,” and Mr. Trinidad will be on a panel titled, “Social Media and Its Impact on the Global Wine Market.”  Click the following link for the complete Wine and Spirits Law Academy Agenda.

You can register here.
