On May 17, 2017, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (“TTB”) issued additional guidance for cider producers on federal excise tax, labeling and formula requirements through Industry Circular 2017-2 (“Amendments to the Criteria for the Hard Cider Tax Rate and Information on Other Requirements that Apply to Wine that is Eligible for the […]
Clients often ask us about enforcement of the various alcohol beverage regulations and tied house laws that apply to industry members. “Tied-house” laws generally prohibit supplier-side licensees (including producers and wholesalers) from giving, directly or indirectly, any premium, gift, or “thing of value” to retail licensees, unless a specific exception applies. Over the past year, […]
The start of the New Year brought federal tax relief to certain cider producers. The PATH Act of 2015 made various changes to the Internal Revenue Code, which took effect on January 1, 2017. Included in the changes was a modification of the definition of products eligible for the “hard cider” tax rate. Under the […]
On March 4, 2016, the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (“ABC”) published an Industry Advisory providing guidance to licensees, marketing companies and winegrower associations participating in “passport” marketing events. Most passport events have the same format – consumers purchase an identifiable event glass, wrist band, passport or punch card from a marketing company or […]
On February 11th, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (“TTB”) issued a new ruling regarding the extent to which “category management” practices are permissible under federal tied-house laws. The “tied-house” laws promulgated under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act (the “FAA Act”) generally prohibit industry members from giving “things of value” such as supplies, […]