Sonoma Conjunctive Labeling Law Applies to Wines Bottled on or after Jan. 1, 2014

Producers using the name of an AVA entirely within Sonoma County on your wine labels take note: California law requires you to include a “Sonoma County” designation for all wine bottled on or after January 1, 2014. In 2010, the California legislature approved a new “conjunctive labeling” law that requires wines labeled with the name […]

Jeff Dodd Joins DP&F Land Use Group

Jeff Dodd was sworn into the California bar today by Judge Rodney Stone of the Napa Superior Court.  Jeff is the newest attorney to join Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty and will be practicing in the firm’s Land Use and Litigation departments. Jeff is a 2013 graduate of McGeorge Law School and earned his undergraduate degree […]

Cal Bar CLE Event for Attorneys at Kendall-Jackson

2.0 units of general MCLE sponsored by LaRiviere, Grubman & Payne, Monterey,CA. Friday, December 6th, 9:30-2:30   The California State Bar Agribusiness Committee’s annual Winery Tour will start at Kendall-Jackson Wine Estate & Gardens in Santa Rosa, California and we will visit a nearby wine production facility and vineyard.  Following the tour, attendees will enjoy a […]