Recent Uptick in Tied House Enforcement Actions by State and Federal Agencies

Clients often ask us about enforcement of the various alcohol beverage regulations and tied house laws that apply to industry members.  “Tied-house” laws generally prohibit supplier-side licensees (including producers and wholesalers) from giving, directly or indirectly, any premium, gift, or “thing of value” to retail licensees, unless a specific exception applies. Over the past year, […]

What makes a wine from Texas a Texas wine?

Texans may soon find that the Texas wines on their local retailer shelves are, well, a bit more Texan. A Texas legislator has introduced a bill (HB 1514) which, if passed, would require that any wine indicating that it comes from the state or a geographical subdivision thereof must be made entirely from fruit grown […]

Consumer Deception and Geographic Brand Names – KONA BREWING CO.

In the past few years the alcohol beverage industry has seen numerous consumer protection lawsuits centered around allegedly deceptive advertising statements on alcohol beverage brands, such as “Handcrafted” for Tito’s vodka.  We previously blogged about this in the context of safe harbor defenses to such claims based on COLA approval. We may be seeing a […]