Napa County’s Agricultural Protection Advisory Committee will be holding a hearing on Monday, April 27, 2015 at 9:00 am to discuss (1) the minimum parcel size for establishing new wineries in the agricultural preserve, (2) the net loss of vineyards associated with winery development and/or expansion; and (3) the role of estate grapes in winery […]
When is a small producer not a small producer? That was the question answered by a federal district court in a case that centered on a winery’s ability to claim a small producer tax credit for wine produced at another winery (K Vintners v. U.S., Case No. 12-cv-05128-TOR (E.D. Wa. Jan 21, 2015)). Background on the Small Producer Tax Credit. […]
Last week, the Napa County Board of Supervisors appointed members to the recently-formed Agricultural Protection Advisory Committee (“APAC”). APAC is an advisory body of the Napa County Planning Commission, and it was formed in order to evaluate and make policy recommendations on Napa County’s Winery Definition Ordinance and other regulations governing winery development within Napa […]
Festival season approaches, and many promoters reach out to supplier-side licensees (including wineries and breweries) asking them to participate in or sponsor such events. Here are five important tips to keep in mind when participating in, or deciding whether to participate in, such events held in California: 1) Make sure your sponsorship is legal. Who? California ABC […]