With the recent news regarding ICE raids on 7-11’s across the country, rumors of raids targeted at Northern California businesses and California’s Attorney General announcing plans to prosecute employers for violation of new laws passed through AB 450, employers should have a plan in place in the event of a raid. As of January 1 […]
Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty will be hosting a reception during the Unified Wine and Grape Symposium and we would love for our Lex Vini readers to join us! DP&F Unified Reception Wednesday, January 24th 5:30-8:30pm Lucca Restaurant, 1615 J Street, Sacramento, CA (2 blocks from the Convention Center) Also stop by Booth 313 to meet one-on-one with […]
Dickenson Peatman & Fogarty attorney Katja Loeffelholz will be presenting the United States portion of “How Rules and Enforcement Systems Differ Internationally” to the Wine & Liquor Law Seminar in conjunction with the Vancouver International Wine Festival. The seminar will be held at the Metropolitan Hotel in Vancouver, Canada on Monday, February 26, 2018, from […]
While many in the industry have celebrated the passage of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform components of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, there are a lot of lingering questions about how TTB will interpret these new laws. Many wineries, for capacity reasons or otherwise, have wine made at a facility […]
It is a new year, which means new employment-related laws. Here is a quick look at the highlights: Minimum wage is $10.50 per hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees. It is $11.00 per hour for everyone else. The new IRS reimbursement rate for business travel is 54.5 cents per mile, up one cent […]